4. If your application consists of multiple forms, you can set TStyleBook.UseStyleManager = True in each view in order to use the same custom styles for all other forms at runtime. If TStyleBook.UseStyleManager = True is set, then custom styles fully override system styles in all other forms (Form2, Form3etc.) that are part of your application for that particular platform. If TStyleBook.UseStyleManager = False is set, then new forms (Form2, Form3 etc.) will use the default platform style and for customization, you must add TStyleBook to Form2's "Master" view and load each custom style again for all created views of the additional forms that are part of your application.These styles should also work for C++Builder XE7 and the latest XE7 equivalent version of AppMethod. You can also access the premium style pack for Delphi XE5 Firemonkey or Delphi XE6 Firemonkey.
Emerald VCL FMX Premium Style for Delphi Rio